Author Archives: admin

Devonshire Ceilidh Video

More Music have released a video of Tabuka’s Devonshire Ceilidh on Youtube:

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Half Term

Loving the start of the holidays. The folk group at More Music’s Hot House is on holiday too and practising hard with the tunes we’ve been learning, to get ready for the More Music Showcase night on November 18th.  Come … Continue reading

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Lancaster Music Festival

Lancaster music festival is coming up – the whole town and a whole bunch of venues will be throbbing to world, folk, jazz, blues, rock, punk, pop, funk,… and more (over 100 acts!).  This year also brings a return of … Continue reading

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Devonshire Ceilidh, October 14th 2011

The Devonshire Hall, Morecambe aka More Music’s HotHouse Really looking forward to playing a fun family ceilidh at the Hot House in Morecambe with Jane and Paul – ‘Tabuka’. Should be lively and great to try out the newly refurbished … Continue reading

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Baksheesh at the Robert Gillow

Played at the Gillow pub in Lancaster last night with Baksheesh – fantastic gig; really tight band and great dancing from the audience.

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