Author Archives: admin

Folk Session at More Music this Saturday

Lovely session last time and I’m hoping for the same again.  Come along if you can!

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Mr B. The Gentleman Rhymer and The Hustle

Mr B. The Gentleman Rhymer plus the Hustle Great classic blues from The Hustle and something different (“chap-hop” they call it) from Mr B. should make for a good night at the Dalton rooms, Lancaster tomorrow night. The Hustle should … Continue reading

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Folk Group Play on the Melodrome at the Catch The Wind Festival

Next Sunday (13th May) on the Melodrome stage by the Midland Hotel on Morecambe seafront our splendid More Music Folk Group are due to perform at 1:20pm. Please come and support us!

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Folk Group

It was really good to be back at the group last night and nice to see at least one new face too.  In case there’s any confusion – We are definitely on for the group next week even though it’s … Continue reading

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Back in to the swing…

  Looking forward to getting the new term (term 3) of the folk group; back after a long Easter break.  We start back on 30th April: 7-9pm, so come down if you can.

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